Construction of low-rent houses begins in Valmiera 08.07.2024

On July 5, 2024, in the presence of the Minister of Economy Viktors Valainis, the construction of two low-rent houses in Valmiera was ceremonially started, with support from the financial institution ALTUM.
The first two buildings in Valmiera, which are being implemented within the program, will be almost zero energy according to the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers, five floors high with 120 apartments, with a total living area of ​​7189.7 square meters, of which the useful area is 87% or 6266 square meters. The average area of ​​one apartment is 52 square meters, while the rent will be a little more than five euros per square meter. All apartments will have finished interior decoration.
The developer of the project is SIA “Valmieras namsaimnieks”, the builder is SIA “MONUM”, the author of the project is SIA “TECTUM” and the construction supervisor is IK “Būvuzradzība”. The project is expected to be implemented by March 31, 2026.