A new building of the boiler house in Valmiera has been completed; construction of technological equipment continues 24.02.2020

Final work on the new boiler house facility is under way at 1 Dakstiņu Street, Valmiera. The building of the boiler house has been completed, and it is planned to finish general construction work in February.

“Active work on the construction of technological and thermal mechanical systems is currently going on. We are also planning to landscape the surrounding area in the spring,” Kaspars Brencis, Construction Project Manager at MONUM, highlights the key tasks.

This is a significant project for the city of Valmiera, as it will not only ensure efficient heat supply to the residents of the right bank of the Gauja River, but will also clean up the environment. As a result of the construction of the new boiler house, the surrounding infrastructure, which previously was a degraded area, is being developed.

The project provides for the construction of a wood chip biomass boiler with a thermal capacity of 9MW and a flue gas condensing economiser with a thermal capacity of 1.5 MW. The new boiler house is built as an environmentally friendly heat supply system that will cause minimal environmental impact.

The contracting authority of the project is Valmieras Enerģija AS (Adven). Its total cost is over EUR 6 million including VAT.